So, the first stop of the tour here in Thailand hasn't been going as plan, but there's no need to loose the good humor, as writing this I realized that there's a lot of positive thing to take from it.
I got here all exited for the competition and boom! I got an Asian flu instead of a smile as as welcome gift, I managed to have a full on cold in Thailand and better yet, fever! Now imagine having fever where it's 39 degrees….hmmm.
The spot also showed us it's dark side, from beautiful sunny and warm Thailand we went to beautiful rainy and cold Thailand, there is wind so we'll compete anyway, we can't afford to way for the nice sun to come back :) So on the first trick of my first heat my board snaps, luckily I managed to land some tricks and Karo Winkowska was good to me and landed me her spare board for the rest of the competition.
Then on my next heat I found out the judges weren't taking in consideration the competition area, I saw one of the tricks from the other competitor considerably far out of the box and went to talk with the head judge, this is what he tells me: " haaa, yeah, we area not taking in consideration the down wind booyes" Geee! thanks for letting me know NOW, after I spent precious time of my heat trying to stay within the competition box!!
I haven't been here that long but I already got to take a lot of lessons from this trip:
- Thailand can get pretty cold, so I might want to back a little bit more then bikinis next time I come.
- Always travel with a spare board even thou all of them broke, just find any other one.
-Make sure to remind the head judge that he should warn the riders when he decides to disconsider the competition are, because mistakes such as those on events such as this one, where the wind is rare, can compromise a result for the whole stop.
Looking forward for the rest of the trip here, I'll have my fingers crosse for more wind to finish the double! Luckily the amazing yummy Thai food remains the same and the massages are as good as ever!
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