Marrocos Experience

As I arrived to Dahkla on the middle of the night I wondered where that 4X4 was taking us since all I saw was darkness and the bit of desert the head lights would reach, I was unsettle until I got out of the car and got stroked by the beauty of the sky, there were so many starts that's hard to describe, there all my worries about being away from civilization suddenly disappeared and from that night thru all this 10day all I saw were the advantages of going back to a simple life style.

As I connected to the internet as soon as I arrived back to Spain I thought: " Internet! Finally! " but that was not really how I felt, it was more of an instinct then an actual relieve, truth is that it's been amazing this 10 days on the middle of the Sahara desert with no connection to the rest of the world.

The only negative thing about this lack of connection was that I couldn't update the blog and post that I won the event :) I wanted to upload the pics and spread the good news but I had to wait until the plane touched down in Spain.

The competition was amazing, the conditions were perfect for freestyle, flat water and 9m weather, we were actually pretty lucky with the wind since the days before and the day after the comp it was howling for an overpowered 5.5m session.

I'm pretty happy with my riding, it all came together and I had some pretty good heats. All the other girls were also riding really good so the competition was very tight, I think this stop really showed how the level of the girls went up, yesssssss!! We are getting somewhere with all this!

This time all my gear worked very well and I had no unluckiness on the comp, the only bump was that my leash snapped on the final against Gisela and I lost the kite remaining one minute to go, a minute never went slower, Gisela pulled two tricks on that time but I had done lots of tricks up to that point and that was enough to take the win.

Now I'm taking all this new motivation from this win in Marrocos to put into some training and get ready for Leucate!


Carlos Moncho Genovés said...

Carlos Moncho like this even with out facebook button. ;)

Anonymous said...

Carlos Sáez likes Carlos Moncho style.
Congrats Bru!

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